Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 28, 2014

hi all!!
this week was good! it was a bit crazy. we had a conference with president and lots of missionaries. find out, that he and his family will be leaving this tueaday becasue if they leave at their assigned time to finish the mission they wont be able to go back to canada. so...his 1st councelor will cover for him for a month before our next mission president from california gets here. it will be so weird to have a new one...and one that speaks english!
this week we found more peopple to teach. its hard to remember everythings thats happened. we had a lesson with josefina this week. she is 22 and has a little 5 yr old boy. we had a word of wisdom talk with her. she is strating to end her smoking and drinking and coffee. this will be so tough for her, but she said she wants to jsut stop it all at once. she cant walk because a motor hit her and she had a major operation so we showed up with some members sunday morning to get her for church. she said that of course she wanted to go but when we showed up she had been sleeping and said she didnt want to go. that was a little rough, but we pray that she comes next week.
i hope all of you are doing well and i love you tons!
have a wonderful week
oh and mom, ! how is jeffrey whiting, the one that jsut got off of his mission from hawaii??? its so fun to hear!
lots of love! hermana hamblin

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 20, 2014

hi mom!
so this week was great. i am not the senior comp actually haha. i dont know if i accidentally said that in my last email??? but one day im sure that that day will come haha
This week was good. we received 10 references from qa member. what a blessing for us! we will ahev lots of good work to do this week! we are teaching a family. glady abranham and their 4 little kids. the wife has come to church 3 times with her 5 little kids and they all behave so well. they are so adorable.
this week was stake conference. it was...interesting. we went to our church to watch the broadcasted stake conference and the interent went out so we just sat there for over an hour hearing glitches of it. no one could understand anything. ha....interent here just isnt great. even if it is the highest quality. so...i didnt understand hardly anything, BUT my mission presidnet talked and he talked abuot missionary work. he stated as members we help invite others to come unto christ. but is that all we do??? no, we take them by the hand and we help them. we invited them to activites,we visit them and answer their questions, we serve and and do so much more than merely inviting someone to take missionary discussions or invting them to come to church. it was  such a powerful talk!
we do get to talk on mothers day but i havent heard when. i think we can probably just talk on the phone?? i think that saounds good. 
i love you all so very much and pray all is well with you all no matter where you are or what youre doing!!
lots of love, hermana hamblin

we had a pizza night with the sisters in our house. we ordered pizza at 8 thirty and got it at almost 11.....what a night!

April 15, 2014

..dan dan dan dan! this is my new mish comp. hermana safeer. almost 6 ft 2" super funny and goofy and loves to have fun. she reminds me of nat. she´s super cute! she got transfered from the south so shes dying of the heat here and having to pay for fruit. in the south they all have fruit trees so theres no need for paying. we´ve had ltos of fun this week getting to know each other and asking lots of questions.  she has one year in the mission field. she came from the same group as hermana jorgenson, my mom. EVERY DAY as we walk down the street people gawk and have to tell us things like, grandote! she´s so tall. you have a very tall comp! everyone knows theres a new missionary in town!

April 7, 2014

Ahh mom,
I just love you so much! It sounds like you are absolutely loving life. Your health is going great and you just sound so dang happy! I hope you are of course! This weekend was such a great one. I was so exciteed about general conference that i didnt mind much attention to transfers. we had 4 of our investigators come. each one of them loved it. I didnt see any of you sadly. but i was watchin! 
The first session we showed up and for the first 40 mins they couldnt get it to work, they were showing it off of their ipad. finally it worked with a computer and all was well.
This week we had transfers. Hermana stewart is leaving. I still havent found out who my comp is but i will recieve that call tonight. I am a little nervous because i have never been in a position that has been to be the leader and know the area and people so it should be a great growing opportunity. 
my spanish is coming along. I am understanding more and more and it makes me so happy. I am finally gaining the confidence that i really need as a missioanry. its taken 8 months! dang it! but im realising more and more how i am gods missionary and i have the truth and the authority to teach it to the point that others receive an opportunity to gain their salvation and happiness the way the lord has commanded us to. there is nother way that we gain salvation. it is through the atonement of jesus chrsit and the organization of his church and our obedience to god.
hermana stewart has been such a bold example to me. so confident and conscious in all she does as a missionary. as time has gone on with us two being together she has rubbed off. i am much more bold and confident. i had written down a question before conference that i wanted answered and it was how to work better and mroe confidently with the members. then someone talked on the importance of members and missionaries learning together through preach my goespel. what an answer to a prayer for me! it wasnt a surprise, but i know the lord knows his children and asnwers their questions and prayers through the prophets and apostles.
 i love you all so much and hope you have a wonderful, safe week! 
hermana hamblin

p.s. this is a pic of shirtless matos and his wife......oh boy i love this man.he sure is his own man 
the other pic is of a guayabana. a fruit that is green and prickly.its mainly used in juices.

March 24, 2014

hi all!!
this week was good. we are preparing for a baptism. his name is Pablo and he is one determined happy man. he absorbs everything and just flies with it. his wife is reactivating. she´s had classes on Sundays for the last few months so she´ll be ready to get back into the swing of things. their family has been so blessed and you can see the difference.his little 5 year old girl, carainy still is crazy at church. she loves to color and only sits with us sisters...not her dad haha.  ...but it will come with time.
so this week we will be focusing mainly on him. we also need to do a lot of finding, and hopefully get a lot of referncias from the members. the ward here is great and very loving. we also have ward conference coming up and so EVERYONE is stoked. they have planned missionary activities at the church each week to have non members,and less actives come. there will be movies about our beliefs and about the family with games and question answer devotionals. it should be great!
this week as we were walking to a cita we were in the really rich part of the city. a man was opening one of the big gates and quickly asks as we were walking, what do you guys preach????
we stopped and started talking to him. he found out that we were mormons and quickly responded. oh, im really interested in that relgion. ive heard so many good things about it. i asked if he had any friends in the church and he didnt. he knew absolutely no one in the church, but wanted a pamphlet to analyze he said. he was just a worker taking care of the house and lives in the east mission so we took down his info to send it to those missionaries. i hope they find him sooon! it was neat to find someone that the Lord put in our path.
i am starting to understand spanish more. when the latin sisters talk to me i can actually start understanding their conversations. their conversastions are quite different becasue they are about normal life things and not jsut the gospel. AND they are both dominicanas so they talk really fast because its normal...so progression!
well, i better go! but i love you all and hope you have a WONDERFUL WEEK!!
HERMANA hamblin