hello all!
this week my comp and i got to work! we taught about 25 lessons, so thats a change! we received a list of 10 less actives from our branch president to look for and teach. this week we decided to try to find as many as we could. we set out and quickly found out that addresses dont exist here. on one side of the street it´ll say house #23 and the other side of the stree #85.....lets just say we´ve found one, and were meeting lots of new people! we are also teaching lots of haitians. they are more poor than dominicans, but very humble. people wont even give us a time or day to come back becuase they dont know if they´ll be home at that time and have the fear of god that if they lie to us about when we can come back and we find them not home, god will be very displeased. its a little interesting.
we also went to a funeral of our ward mission leaders son. he was killed in a car accident. it was very sad. we went to the burial and that was verrry interesting. remebers the movei other side of heaven whe someone dies and the mother is wailing to the top of her lungs. yep, thats what the famliy, or the women, do here. we were out at the cemetary and the women were wailing and vrying then someone starts yelling, you cant jump in! the wife of the husband was yelling he´s asleep he´s asleep i promise and then tried to jump in! it was very sad, but the other ehermanas will stop by and share the plan of salvation becasue she is not a memebr and it would be perfect.
i have a mini missioanry that will serve with me for 3 weeks. she is from the d.r. and doesnt speak a lick of english. shes great though! she is always singing dominican songs, loves to cook us dominican food and just great! we´re getting along jsut fine. its weird to be training basically. she hasnt expereinced the misionary life at all! because she already knows the culture and speaks spanish i autimatically think she´s been serving for a long time, but then i have to remind myslef that she doesnt know that much about the mission life. shes cute. shes barely 18 and when we´re in the lessons share a brief, but beautiful testimony. her name is hermana mercedes.
i lvoe you all so much and pray for you all! i got emails from so many family and its great to hear that dustin got her call. tell her ocngrats for me!! chile will be awesome . ive heard that they have their own chilean vocabulary. sprry didnt send pics. the other hermanas have my pic sender. hopefully next week! i love you!
hermana hamblin
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