Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nov. 17, 2014


This week was good. We are working with about 8 less active families. Some are almost compeltly reactivated. The joy of helping someone reactivate is jsut as sweet as someone being baptized. 
this week i went on my first exchange. her name is sister flint. she is a wonderful missionary. We went to Nizao, a litttle pueblo about 40 mins away from Bani. There were so many good people that we taught and such an excitement from the memebrs there. We had an infestation of kookarachas....grossss, we killed like 10. 
my companion has felt sick the past week and it turns out that she probably has stomach ulcers. shes in a lot of pain. we will start her on meds today, but i dont know how often we will be leaving the house. please pray for her and i. I have found my patience has been tested in so many ways on the mission. this is one of them. ha
but nada, the mission is so very wonderful and I am so amazed at the incredible expereicne I am experiencing as a missionry of jesus christ. I am overwhekmed at the beauty of the plan of salvation and his Gospel. today I had the opportunity to share my gospel with a priest at the supermarket. he was very well versed and knew his bible. I pulled out the book of mormon and told him that he would better understand gods plan regarding the fall of adam and eve if hed read a few scriptures. he stopped and said senorita, nooo, noo, nooooo , let me help YOU understand better. He talked for a good 40 mins to me about all kinds of stuff. He told me that if i were preaching the Gospel i better know more profoundly and know the doctrine clearly. I told him i would not deny or doubt my faith and the things i KNOW to be true. we left on a friendly terms. there are so many people that are convinced they have the complete truth. some simply will not come to know the truth by being contacted by called apart missioanries of God. that is why YOU all are so important. BE a friend, share your testimony, and most important, be an example of what you know to be true. It could spark a curiosity to know a little more about why we are so happy and have a light different than the worlds. I love you all and pray you all keep holding strong to the faith and sharing it!!
have a wonferful week!
hermana hamblin!
i received my flight itenrary home..
the 28th of january i will arrive at phx at 11 pm

Nov. 10, 2014


MY first week in bani was good, so different but good! I feel like i am in civilized life again. we went to la sirena the supermarket and i just couldnt stop going up and down the isles looking at chicken and fruits and veggies and clothes so nicely put together. my comp was laughing at me. also, so many know how to read and have complete families that are lds, what blessings! i have eaten so well this past week!
we are teaching the familia biez, a mom and 3 kids. they are all so adorable. they all sit around the family room and listen! its so great! we dont really have anyone else that were investigators before so we are finding finding finding. we are contacting lots and so thats always fun! 
i have asked to give a talk in my new branch next sunday so that should be fun! i also had an amazing leadership meeting with president nuckols and his wife and elder cornish of the 70. he is one intelligent man! he know the gospel so well and is so inspiring. he talked about how infinite the atonement is.  infinite in time, in amount of people, in cantidad de pecados and in the degree of sins. it is infinite in redemption and santification and purification and in mercy. how grateful i am for the savior. like blake said, it is not sufficient to read and know about the savior. you apply it and you live it so you can experience the blessings.
i love you all and hope you have a GREAT week!!
hermana hamblin

Monday, November 10, 2014

November 3, 2014


HELLO FAM! My comp and i are doing well. We had transfers and i am going to BANNIII! its in the south about 1 and a half hours from me. i can finally buy meat that is not canned! whoohooooo
also, i have been called to be one of the new sister training leaders. i am in charge of 10 other hermanas. basically if anything goes wrong or has problems with health, their companions, or other things...its the sister training leaders responsibilty to take care of it. im a little nerous not going to lie, but i am excited. me and my comp the past 2 weeks have been working hard for THE PULSE. THE PULSE is our mission presidents work ethic- he relates it to training and becoming better. there are many factors in training for a marathon but each is important. our factors are in contacting finding teaching and in the key indicators. weve taught about 35 lessons each week and are just sweating sweating sweating, but its amazing the miracles the lord works. we had 7 people come to church and lots that are progressing. we have so many people that are progressing but that arent married. marriage here is one of the hardest committments and takes time, but we are working with a few families. i am sad to leave because i absolutely love it here and ive been here for 5 months, but i know the lord needs me in bani.
we´ve had a bit of difficult time with investigators in this area, i dont know what it is, but in this past transfer 2 of our good investigators just turned out to be frecos, or a flirt. thats a bad traduccion of it but its sad that people cant just focus on the gospèl. men!!! 
anyway, sorry for a little bit of a rant. i am excited to move to a new place and work my heart out for 12 more weeks. yuck! that sounds terrible.
i love the mission so much and you all too! 
have a wonderful week1

hermana hamblin